Browse through the detailed list of the official nomimations of the 6th Oslo Short Film Festival edition.

ALEXX196 & the Pink Sand Beach

Alex and Sacha are shaken up by the closing of the online video game on which they met. While Alex and his mother go on vacation in the south where Sacha lives, the two teenagers will do everything to meet and finish the game together.

Loïc Hobi

Can Somebody Tell Me That Everything Will Be Fine

Are men attracted to women with saggy breasts? Have you ever killed anyone? On the internet we can be anonymous and completely open about our inner dilemmas, but what would happen if we were just as brutally honest in the physical world? The authentic dialogue in this experimental comedy is borrowed from Norway's largest chat forum and portrays how many of us seek guidance in a world that seems confusing and strange. JURY STATEMENT: A well-crafted film with an insightful view of our time. It captures the beautiful, tender, and heartfelt moments that can take place in chat forums, and it reminds us how healthy it is to practice seeing and saying these things out loud.

Siri Bråtveit

Chez Joanna

When Joanna discovers that her car has been taken to the pound, she panics. In her frenzied race against time, Joanna is surprisingly willing to do anything to get her car back.

Sandrine Collard


A bird hits a window of a café and disrupts its customers. A woman faces a decision on whether to ignore nature or to react.

Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter


A young witch living in East London decides to make a new friend.

Joe Starrs

Hidi Sleeps in the Bathtub

Hidi has fled Afghanistan. She was married at the age of 13, and managed to get out when she was 17. She lives now with protected identity in Göteborg. Hiding from her family and relatives, but also from other Afghans in Sweden. At night she sleeps in the bathtub.

Caroline Andréason

In the Basement of Apollo Hall

A furry TV host, an opera diva, and a music expert come together to answer the simple yet impossible question about the origin of music.

Hans Appelqvist

Karlovo Náměstí, July 15

As day turns to night, we observe the flow of people in one of Prague's central squares. What do we see if we keep looking? What human stories and truths emerge?

Rowan Gould-Bayba


Ingrid Eidshaug

Memories of Vincennes

The Bois de Vincennes. The ruins of a colonial exposition building where strange voices and old images slumber that no one wants to revive. Yet Moussa has only one obsession: to keep close to him his friend whose lifeless body has returned to Senegal.

Theo Vincent

Moving Matter

Moving Matter is a project led by an interdisciplinary team of artists focused on material-led creation. This iteration was inspired by linoleum and moved through different stages of analysis into choreographic and compositional ideas. Created by Rob Kitsos, Meagan Woods and Beau Bridge, and performed by Sydney Bluck, Anna Wang -Albini and Olivia Johnson, projections and production design by Alexandra Caprara with music by Westport Sunrise Sessions.

Robert Kitsos, Beau Bridge, Meagan Woods

My Mother’s Story

“Notsae” shares childhood stories with her daughter “Eunsung”. She reminisces about her first love who was drafted into the military, the day electricity first arrived in the village, and her dearly missed mother. As she unfolds memories, Notsae's longing for the irrevocable hometown deepens. Eunsung decides to illustrate her mother's life through a comic.

Soyoung Kim, Minhee Jang


When twelve-year-old Erik is forced to choose which parent should have to move out during an ugly divorce, he struggles in the aftermath of his decision and how it ends up altering his relationships not only with his parents, but his two younger brothers as well.

Sindre Mangen Haram

Park Sapiens

The jovial artist Muhammed lives with his older boyfriend, the crime writer Sergei, in an idyllic mountain village close to a dam. Moving into the neighborhood are the upbeat landscape architect Mona and her self-loathing husband, the priest Karl Ove. Also residing in the neighborhood is the anonymous caretaker Helga. The neighborhood becomes subject to surveillance, and residents are involuntarily exposed to what they say about each other. The exposed lose control over their own privacy, and domestic peace is subjected to significant trials, resulting in both comedic and challenging situations.

Kieran Kolle, Knut Andreas Knutsen


Pre-Artist is a poignant exploration of artistic struggles, self-discovery, and the beauty that lies within the imperfections of the creative journey.

David Vu

Prelude of a Story

After a mother’s passing, a daughter searches through archival footage to understand who she was, and how it connects to the father's abusive relationship that is shaping her understanding of womanhood.

Ashley Salman

Tennis, Oranges

A robotic vacuum suffering from burnout quits its job at a hospital and sets out to find community and a greater purpose on a quiet street where two lonely rabbits are stuck in perpetual loops.

Sean Pecknold

The Art of Wandering Without Purpose

Outdoor life is under threat. We have replaced presence with goals, and simply being present is no longer enough. We rush somewhere, we calculate time. "The Art of Wandering Without Purpose" is about discovering a deeper connection with nature. Those moments have no immediate purpose except to shape our own character and journey.

Andreas Bastian Nordberg

The Flight of the Dragonflies

Eight fifty year old women, totally different from each other, made a decision against the advice of their entire environment: Form a synchronized swimming group. named themselves "Mariburruntzis". "Dragonflies" in Basque, an animal that, while not being aquatic, makes its life around water. They reflect on what they've fought for, what they've experienced, the social difficulties they have faced, the stereotypes, the losses, the hard training, the path they have opened to others, etc. Some begin to falter, doubts arise, energy fails, work and family problems appear. Around the age of 60, with an uncertain job future and a good number of physical discomforts and diseases, they decide to embark on another adventure: to attend perhaps, last championship. This is not a sports documentary. It is a documentary about middle-aged women and how, based on solidarity, sorority and friendship, they manage to overcome their problems.

Iñaki Alforja Sagone

The Imaginary Tatars

A filmmaker of Tatar origin meets a Tatar shaman, who practices online, in order to get rid of a family curse.

Anna Biriulina


Following an unpleasant run in at the beach, teenagers Oscar and Iben are left behind by their friends.

Eivind Landsvik

Where Do Ideas Come From?

When imagination and understanding can freely harmonize, it could happen, on purpose or by accident: an idea forms. In this short film found footage, sounds, and words, composed solely of quotes, are brought together to playfully explore the relatedness between these seemingly random finds.

Joysi Olijhoek

Wishes from the Well

“Wishes from the well” is a short film about a down and out man who needs coins for medicine. To get them, he heads off on a road of lies.

Alesja Suzdaltseva